الجمعة، 5 أبريل 2013

متى نموت

متى نموت

حين ننتهي من تحقيق احلامنا؟
ام حين تنتهي منا الأحلام؟

حين نصل لما نريد؟
ام حين تتشوه غايتنا ونضل الطريق ؟

متى نفارق الحياة؟
حين نجد ما عشنا دوما نبحث عنه
ام عندما نكفر بوجوده؟

ايأتي موعد الرحيل فجأة...ويجبرنا على خيانة كل الأمال المؤجلة؟
ام يستأذن قبل طرق الباب ليجدنا منتظرين...مستعدين للرحيل؟
محملين بزاد ينفعنا ويكفينا لرحلتنا الأخيرة؟

اللهم ارزقنا حسن الختام

How men perceive women in the workplace

Ok. This is NOT an article about women who talk too much about their rights nor is it an attempt to advocate for feminism and crap. This is a mere sarcastic documentation of how 'some' men act around women in the workplace. Please do not try to philosophise it in an over rated way!

The flirt:

"Look at you! you look so beautiful today". Its nice to tell a woman that she looks nice but its weird if you say it everyday! This is a workplace for godsake!

Mr. Please Sympathize:

Some men think that since you are a woman you will be easily affected by his miserable stories. You ask him why didnt he send the report and he changes the subject to tell you about his broken heart or his sleepless nights. Give me the damn report because I couldnt care less about your drama!

Mr. Cave man:

Ok thats my favorite! you sit in a meeting with your female colleagues and  one male colleauge. You can easily interpret his facial expressions and body language. His mouth says " i agree with you" but his body is saying "Shut up woman where is my food!" Such men have serious issues accepting a female to manage them or even becomes tete  a tete with him and when you meet such man, you cant help but LOL.

Mr. Harrasser:

Your eyes should be up up up MR! One more thing..My name is not "gamila"! Its not acceptable to compromise the quality of your deliverables in exchange to your sugar talking. Its disguisting!

Women are challenged in general, and in workplaces in specific, to send the right messages and maintain the balance.
She should be firm without losing her femininity
Nice but blocks any route that would allow a harrasser in

Respected without compromising her womanhood. 

You dont have to wear a man's suit in order to be respected, you should force others to respect as you are. Women should always be nice, sweet, beautiful and smart; and you should be respected as you are.